I'm here! I'm here!
Behind on blogging, but only because I am trying to keep up with life in general. All is well, though.
April 25 was our 20-miler. We woke up for 7 miles and then ran the Wichita Half-Marathon to finish up. Nothing like receiving a medal for a long training run. Whoohoo! Our time was 2:18:something. Not too shabby for the tail end of 20.15 miles.
Had a fundraiser afterward that was...well...it was. Can't win 'em all. At least I got to enjoy an adult beverage as it was at a bar. Yay!
Last weekend we had an 18-miler. All was well. Not sore at all, so that is nice. I was quite sore after my first time at that distance. Had some ankle pain (not the same spot that caused my time off before) that disappeared within a day.
Gearing up for another fundraiser - "Get Bendy for a Cure" on May 21. It is a day of Yoga to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. We have a Yoga studio that has been donated to us for a day, and my darling friend Nickki volunteered her time to teach the classes. There will be a sunrise class at 6am, nooner at 12pm, Evening at 6:30pm, and Candlelight at 8:30pm. I have a great feeling. Who doesn't love Yoga? (Ok, lots of people. But Yoga is awesome. Don't be a hater.)
That is what is going on with me! I feel terribly far behind. Less than 5 weeks until Marathon #1! So excited!
Upcoming weekend mileage:
May 8 - 22miles
May 15 - 15 miles
May 22 - 20 miles
May 29 - 13 miles
June 6 - Marathon #1
June 12 - 10 miles
June 19 - 15 miles
June 26 - Marathon #2
Is it sick and wrong that I am looking forward to all of it? A big thanks to Team in Training for "flipping my switch". What a fabulous experience!
Have a great week!
New Year...Same Me...
6 years ago