Eight weeks in. Booyah! Shazaam! Score! Whoohoo! 'Twas a week full of me realizing how many awesome people I know. As usual. Plus another week of realizing how many awesome people I have had the pleasure of "meeting" through blogging. I am seriously blown away by all of the support from every part of my life. How lucky am I? Quite lucky, I'd say.
Donations this week:
NY Wolve @ Never Quit, Never Stop came out of nowhere and decided to support my efforts. I hadn't even hunted him down to beg or anything! He's a great guy who is quite entertaining. He has young kids, so can appreciate what I experience trying to fit it all in. Also, he and my husband have lots of similarities - they even attended the same University. I have a feeling they would hit it off. Thanks again for your support. You are appreciated.
Julie @ Julie's Running Blog is a beautiful woman who happens to be a fellow runner. She's a fast runner! Bonus, she's beautiful on the inside, too! Julie has been nothing short of supportive and sweet to me since we "found" each other. Julie is a Mom, and it is great to see how many parents out there have an interest in not just parenting, but also in doing things for themselves. Keeps us all sane, right? Julie, you are awesome. You will smoke me if we ever run together, but it would be fun to at least start a run with you...even if I do finish 30 minutes behind. You rock. Thank you!
Richard and Beth are my Uncle and Aunt who live in Texas. Well, one of the sets that live in Texas, anyway. (I swear, it seems like my entire family is migrating south! Smart people!) Their daughters and I are friends on Facebook. It is so wild because they seem like they should still be little girls...but they're all grown up! Richard and my Uncle Mike (who is a Lymphoma survivor) are brothers. That makes them Clayton's Uncle and Aunt, too. Having the support of people who also love Clayton and Mike so much is just awesome. And incredibly appreciated! Thank you both so much. Love you guys!
Scott and his wife Julie are wonderful. Scott is a partner at the law firm with my husband. I appreciate having their support so much. Julie sent a good luck message along with their donation - even that little acknowledgment and kindness speaks volumes to me. Made me smile and gives me that push when I need it. Thank you both so very much!
Hal and Steph are one of my favorite couples. I have known Hal since before I had kids. He was my client at the gym way back in the day. Steph started training with me post-kids (mine, not hers...but hers, too.) and has since become an incredible friend. We love to get together with them whenever our schedules work out. Having a job like mine is awesome because clients become family, and even better - they become friends. Thank you guys so very much. You are loved!
Rachel @ Make a Run for It is an incredible woman - a California college girl! She has participated with Team in Training for several events, and still runs with her Team in California. The pictures she posts are quite amazing. Nothing like training in paradise! Most exciting of all is that Rachel is considering running her FOURTH marathon in fabulous, sunny, amazing San Diego! I, selfishly, want her to do it. Meeting her would be fantastic! Also, her first marathon was Seattle RnR last year. So of course I was giddy to meet another person who had run that race! Rachel is just fantastic. All around. I truly appreciate her support. Rachel, thank you. And I will see you June 6. Right? Right. (Keep me posted!)
Dan and Val are our neighbors, technically! Same neighborhood, anyway. Dan is a partner at the law firm with my husband. He and Val are hilarious. They have three beautiful kids, and I swear I remember when they were little like my girls! I think this means I am getting old. I absolutely appreciate having your support. Thank you both so much!
Roxi and Joe are my Aunt and Uncle. (My Step-Mom and Roxi are sisters.) Roxi and Joe were having kids back when I was in high school. I cannot belive how gorgeous their two daughters are. Facebook is totally awesome for keeping in touch with family. It just is! I'm so thankful to be in touch and to be able to watch those two beautiful ladies grow up. Thank you Roxi and Joe for always helping to make family gatherings fun. I always enjoyed your family - still do. Sending you love from Wichita!
Rick @ Marathon Man Runs Again is awesome. He reminds me so much of my Dad! Cracks me up, and his commentaries are hilarious! Rick is getting ready to run the New York City Half Marathon. He was recently released from physical therapy (whoohoo!) and now just has to not get injured. I like his style. Not running certain races aren't an option. That is exactly how I feel. Cheers to Rick aka my running Dad. Good luck and hope your back is better ASAP. Thank you so much. Your kindness is so touching!
Monica is a friend I met...gosh...over three years ago. The night I met her I was giantly pregnant, though she claims she had no idea until I told her. Seriously, I had K2 a month later! She was too kind and so much fun. I always joke that when I grow up, I want to be like Monica! She is truly an amazing hostess - can cook and decorate and is incredibly creative. I admire so much about her. Monica is the friend who used Jedi-mind control (laughing so hard right now) to "convince" me to become a Vegetarian. (Back story, a mutual friend suggested, after hearing I had given up meat, that Monica had forced me. As if she went around twisting peoples arms, and as if I am a weak minded little wuss! Neither of which is true.) Anyway, my three year Veg Anniversary is coming up and I have Monica to thank for her support and love while I figured it all out. Thank you so much, Monica and Matt. (And Liam and Maya!) You guys are awesome!
My Aunt Anne lives in Texas. See? My entire family is trying to move to Texas! She is a sister of my Uncle Mike and a Great-Aunt to Clayton. My Aunt Anne has always been incredibly kind and loving. She is generous and helpful and a very sweet woman. I took for granted being able to see her at all family events. Now I don't get to see her as often, and I must insist that all family who have left for Texas get your butts back here. Now. (Was that forceful enough?) Seriously, though. I can't wait for us to all get together again. Sending you a giant hug and lots of love. Thank you so much, Aunt Anne!
Chad and Rhonda are the parents of my 5-year-old's very very very very best friend. At school, our girls are inseperable. I am totally ok with that. We love their family! Many play dates are planned during spring break, and one of these days I am sure our 1-year-olds will love playing together, too. My three-year-old just fits in with everyone and loves their family, too. I am so moved beyond words to have their support. You guys are such a great family and we are thankful we met. Can't think of a sweeter bestie for Kamy. Thank you so much!
In Other News:
What an awesome week! My ankle is 100% pain free, I was reminded again how lucky I am to know such amazing people, the running blogger community has come together and shown me amazing support, AND I saved myself $2,500 by not having the bone scan. Score!
Funny, though. The "no needles this week" joke was on me. I went to the Dermatologist for my skin check and had a mole removed. No big deal. Had the three-year-old with me, and didn't want to be a total wuss in front of her.
I am enjoying the last few days as a 28-year-old. Friday will be my first 29th birthday! Though I hear things keep getting better with age, so I'll just enjoy it all as it comes. Happy Week, everyone!
New Year...Same Me...
6 years ago